bullbird travel blog

Tips To Sleep Better On A Plane (What To Do, What Not To Do)
According to the Global Wellness Institute, the Sleep Market is a $432 Billion economy — and we're still not sleeping.
While sleeping in flight isn’t ideal, sometimes we need to catch a red-eye, w...

Why your bullbird Neck Pillow works at home too!
Thinking about traveling anytime soon? Neither are we. Not even short distances, let alone on a long flight.
Like most businesses that are able to let their staff work remotely in light of the COV...

Spring break is around the corner, we’re here to share with you our top picks for wellness destinations to consider for your vacation.
According to the Global Wellness Institute, wellness tourism ...

Frequent air travel may be a part of your lifestyle and business routine. However, that routine can take a serious toll on your body. Even after one flight, your body can experience a sore neck, ti...

What I Pack + Wear For A Long Haul Flight
Get to know bullbird's new Resident Travel Wellness Expert, Sara Quiriconi - owner of LiveFreeWarrior.com, as she reveals her list of carry-on must haves for long haul flights.

4 Ways To Get The Best Flight Deals
Between delays, cramped seating, and the ordeal of security checkpoints, the price of flights can sometimes feel like a cruel joke. However, if you know what you’re doing, techniques and tools do e...

Flight Comfort Ideas for More Enjoyable Travel
With the holidays just around the corner, you likely have a flight or two in your future. If so, you’re probably just as excited for those as you are for the inevitable sweater you’ll unwrap from y...

Avoid Getting Sick On Your Next Flight
For many people, two circumstances can almost guarantee a cold: flights and holidays.
Combine these two, and you have a perfect recipe for stuffy heads, sneezing, sore throats, and all the other a...

Air Travel Tips To Keep Stress Grounded
In this brave new world of full-body scanners and cramped cabins, air travel has become downright panic-inducing. To avoid a meltdown on your next flight, keep in mind these air travel tips to elim...